Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Day 28. Monday 15 July 2013.

Out of bed early enough as always. Turn on the telly for a change and get informed that we lost the test by 16 runs. Turn telly off.

Nothing to report today really as were decided just to catch up with the grocery shopping and spend the afternoon in and around the pool.

Gerry's friend, Jan, is house sitting her daughter's (Pauline by name) new house. Pauline's family have decided to do something different and have headed off to Queenstown, New Zealand, for some snow-skiing. That should give their three children a real education! Anyway we wander over at about 5, Gerry armed with a bottle of wine and me with two stubbies, 'coz I'm allowed to drive again.

We spent the evening sitting beside the pool (of course they have one), chatting, eating take-away Chinese tucker, the girls drinking their wine and after the stubbies, I get to have a delightful water or two.

Hardly worth doing a blog isn't it....we'll have to lift our game and do a few more adventurous things. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

The van at Darwin...with the sun shades

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