Friday, 26 July 2013

The Kakadu Adventure

Day 36 Tuesday 23 July 2013, Day 37 Wednesday 24 July 2013, Day 38 Thursday 25 July 2013 and Day 39 Friday 26 July 2013

We are have been having such a great time in the Kakadu National Park that I was toying with the idea of starting a whole new blog, just about Kakadu. However, seeing that we started our Kakadu adventure on Monday, it just will not make sense, so on we go.

I have read reviews about this particular park and there is a fair bit of negativity about it. I will put my hand up and say that after a couple of days of experience those who espouse the 'Kaka-don't' point of view, have been too slack, lazy, unadventurous, spoilt, or whatever. This place is worth every cent of the 25 bucks a head that it costs to do the journey.

We stayed at Jabiru for three nights. Stopped off at Merl camp-ground where we stayed over-night some 25 years ago. A slight accident (requiring some 7 sutures the next day) meant that things that were meant to be done were not done. The camp ground has had tremendous change and now has much more vegetation than in 1988.

We walked around Ubirr, looked at the very old art (some may say VERY old graffiti)  wandered around mother nature's art near East Alligator River at Bardedilidji, through woodlands beside East Alligator River, looked at crocs. up close, wandered up to the top of Obiri Rock and watched the sunset (with about 150 others but absolutely glorious), bought fresh multi-grained rolls and apricot/apple scrolls at the Jabiru bakery (yum) and then...

  At the limestone art wrought by Nature, near Ubirr.
Aboriginal Rock Art at Ubirr

View from the top of Obiri Rock, near sunset.

Enjoying the view, Obiri Rock.

Wandered around the lands of Nourlangie, viewed more rock art, wondered how the original inhabitants lived in this land and sheltered in and around the rocks. Walked around the Anbongbong Billabong and saw lots of bird-life and walked up close to a crocodile in the wild (luckily he (or she) was just sunning itself and presented no danger to use (as long as we stayed some distance away), climbed to the top of a large rocky outcrop, named Nanguluwur. Went on a 6 kilometres hike during the hottest part of the day to drink some water beside Gubara pools, 'coz the guide said that it was 'a pleasant place to spend the heat of the day', which we read to mean the whole walk, not just the place. Wrong.  We earned our beer that night! Walking through sandy creek beds is bloody hard work for us grey nomads!
Aboriginal Rock Art at Nourlangie Rock.

Anbongbong Billabong with Nourlangie Rock in background and crocodile at water's edge.

Ending the day with a swim in the pool, a beer and feed (of over-cooked barra) at the pool-side bistro was a lovely way to conclude the Jabiru off to Cooinda, a whole 52 or 53 k's down the road.

In that region (which is also called Yellow-waters) we wandered through very typical Kakadu open-forest and nearly got bushed....but the red car is very visible if one is in the right area! Then thought we were on the right track for the Mardugal Billabong and missed it by that much (a half-hour walk to no-where) so later we had to enjoy a lovely swim in the Cooinda Resort pool...

Then on the next day we had to get up while it was still dark so that we could do a touristy 'sunrise' boat tour of Yellow Waters. A bloody marvellous experience. Although the temperature was quite cool (for a change) we enjoyed watching the sun rise over the flood plains, with steam rising off the water and grasslands. Saw lotsa bird-life of various descriptions, a water buffalo and crocs here and crocs there....Gerry even stated that she was 'croced out'. Another walk to the top of a hill to see the surrounding area and we were walked out. So, off to the pool for a relaxing swim followed by one beer at the bar. Spag bol and a quiet red for dinner again. All is good.

Buffalo at Yellow Waters

Off to Mary River Roadhouse tomorrow....followed by a couple of days here and there as we head to Alice Springs, (yes back to the fresher temperatures!) We will not have on-line access during this time, so see you later and keep well, we are!!!

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